The kick-off meeting of the project BIOCAN was held on January 25th at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Montenegro.
The opening speech was given by the project coordinator, Prof. Dr. Miodrag Radunović, who emphasized the importance of the project and the goals that are planned to be achieved. Thereafter, the focus shifted to organizational aspects, such as individual contract signing and signing the application for the Ethics Committee for study approval.
The governing bodies of the project were formed: the Management Board, the Executive Board, and the International Advisory Board (IAB). The Management Board, composed of experts from various institutions, will have a key role in making decisions regarding the implementation of the project. The Executive Board will ensure the implementation of those decisions, while the International Advisory Board will provide professional support and monitor the progress of the project. Through transparency, accountability and coordination, these bodies will ensure that the research project BIOCAN is successfully managed and achieves its goals. We are particularly proud of our distinguished IAB members:
- Prof. Dr. Sergej Đuranović, Washington University School of Medicine, USA
- Prof. Dr. Nese Atabey, Center for Genome and Biomedicine, Izmir, Turkey, and
- Dr. Aleksandra Nikolić, Institute of Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia.
Activity plan for the first research year was discussed and adopted, and the responsibilities were divided among the researchers. In the first year of the project, patient recruitment and sample collection, procurement of equipment, chemicals and consumables, histopathological analysis of tissue samples, software development, website creation and others are planned, according to the outline of planned activities and Gantt chart from the project application.
Data Management Plan, as well as rules regarding the authorship issues were discussed and adopted.